refactor disabled for all projects

I think I submitted a bug - submission dialog sort of said so.

This morning: For several hours all fine moving many strings from xaml to resource (CTL R/O)

Then - out of nowhere - It said "The key combination ctl r/o resharper move command - NOT AVAILABLE.

The Refactor menu in Resharper menu became grayed out. I looked at other sln and csproj and it is grayed out for all projects. I have deleted caches, uninstalled, reinstalled, upgraded, reset machines and this thing will just not work.

Does anyone know why this would happen globally. There is no value in a tool that doesn't work and I am losing all of the gains I made trying to track this thing down.

Resharper needs to tell the user (US) WHY that thing is disabled because if it is disabled - then there is little point in having the tool. If I did something wrong fine - but tell me so I don't lose hours of work.


Very Very Frustrated.




Official comment

Hello Ted,

Please could you run Visual Studio with the following command line: 'devenv /ReSharper.LogFile C:\log\resharper_log.txt /ReSharper.LogLevel Verbose'. After that reproduce the issue and send me the corresponding 'resharper_log.txt' file using "Submit a request" button at the top of the page.


I followed instructions in another thread regarding this same issue (delete files from ...\AppData\Local\JetBrains\Transient) and then restarted Visual Studio a couple of times and the issue went away.



Permanently deleted user

Same problem with Refactor menu disabled

I tried the other suggestions of deleting the appdata/local/jetbrains/transient contents and restarting VS but that didn't solve the problem. I tried updating ReSharper from v2019.2.2 to v2019.2.3 and that didn't work either.

VS 2019 v16.3.8

ReSharper v2019.2.3

Permanently deleted user


any news on this?

i'm having the same issue, refactor menu is disabled both on main menu and in context (right clic) menu.

my current setup is: windows 10, visual studio 2017 community, resharper ultimate 2017.1

i already tried disabling and reenabling the extension, cleaning the cache and deleting files in %localappdata% folder (as pointed out in another thread).

i have the issue in both of my machine (a fixed pc and a surface pro 4, same software setup)

Permanently deleted user

same issue (on the same machine) also on Visual Studio 2015 community (same resharper version); so it seems a resharper issue


Same problem.  What is the deal?  I use to be able to rename a property solution-wide using this menu.  Why is it disabled with no message?

 Problems like these need to display an explanation in the status bar when you hover over the disabled menu.  I.e. "Can't refactor type because ..."





Hello @Megamindbrian!


Could you please specify if the issue is reproduced on some speciifc solution/code only?

Thank you.


@Angelina Elycheva Looks like the entire solution, doesn't work anywhere.  Wow.  Just after writing this I got a popup from Resharper to be a part of the Ultimate feedback!  Now I get the full menu.  This looks like a caching issue.  As usual the worst part about writing code is waiting for IDEs and compilers.  Maybe Resharper could change their UI to be more present when the cache is not working/finished?


Permanently deleted user

sames issues with mine.

Visual studio 2017 enterprise

Resharper 2018.2

Most of the features of resharper cannot be use


Hello @Kinjp!


Thank you for contacting us.

Could you please specify what features are not working? Is the issue reproduced for some specific solution/files or any newly created also?

Some screenshot illustrating the problem will be helpful.

Thank you.


This just happened to me after I updated to the latest version!


JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2018.2.3 Build 182.0.20180912.70621
dotCover 2018.2.20180912.160624
ReSharper 2018.2.20180912.160227

Application Packages:
JetBrains dotCommon Core build 182.0.20180912.70932 on 2018-09-12 07:09:50Z rev git::refs/heads/182-eap12-2018.2.3::8fe760fc7e46b92b5a74749ff342dc2ec1c34755
JetBrains dotCommon ElevationAgent build 182.0.20180912.70932 on 2018-09-12 07:09:50Z rev git::refs/heads/182-eap12-2018.2.3::8fe760fc7e46b92b5a74749ff342dc2ec1c34755
JetBrains dotCommon.Psi Navigation build 182.0.20180912.160226 on 2018-09-12 16:02:47Z rev git::refs/heads/182-eap12-2018.2.3::14aed82acd18bc781686ddcb1c76186b4f85b524
JetBrains dotCommon.Psi UnitTesting build 182.0.20180912.160226 on 2018-09-12 16:02:47Z rev git::refs/heads/182-eap12-2018.2.3::14aed82acd18bc781686ddcb1c76186b4f85b524
JetBrains dotCommon Remotable build 182.0.20180912.70932 on 2018-09-12 07:09:50Z rev git::refs/heads/182-eap12-2018.2.3::8fe760fc7e46b92b5a74749ff342dc2ec1c34755


Hello Charles!


Thank you for the feedback.

Is it only Refactor menu disabled? Is it disabled for all solutions even newly created?

Could you please provide some screenshot illustrating the issue?

Thank you.

Permanently deleted user

This just happened to me. Shutting down VS, deleting ...\AppData\Local\JetBrains\Transient and restarting VS solved the issue...

Permanently deleted user

I have the same problem with VS 2017 and Resharper 2018.3. Any suggestion.


Hello Sorani!


Thank you for contacting us.

Could you please try the latest ReSharper 2018.3.1 version and check if it helps.

Thank you.


Hello Mark,


Thank you for the feedback.

Could you please check if Refactor menu is disabled in some specific solution/project/file only? Have you checked it in a newly created solution?

Thank you.



I am seeing the same issue with Refactor menu being disabled. It occurs with existing and newly created Solutions. I have recently repaired my Visual Studio install and then reinstalled Resharper.

Visual Studio 16.6.2, Resharper 20.1.3

I deleted the AppData/Local/Jetbrains/Transient director but this also did not fix the issue.

Other options such as Generate Code are missing from the Edit menu as well. My license is in order.


Thanks in advance.


Hello Andrew Quinan,


Could you please run Visual Studio with the following command line: 'devenv /ReSharper.LogFile C:\log\resharper_log.txt /ReSharper.LogLevel Verbose', reproduce the issue and send us a corresponding 'resharper_log.txt' file. You can do it privately via "Submit a request" form at the top of the page.

Thank you.


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