False positives on braced initialization of constexpr constructors
When trying to assign any of the types (Vector3, Color, etc) in the DirectX simple math library using braced initialization, Resharper reports a false positive about ambiguous operator calls. DirectXTK/SimpleMath.h at main · microsoft/DirectXTK (github.com)
Resharper doesn't seem to pick up on the constexpr constructors
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Thanks for the snippet! It looks like MSVC is wrong here and other compilers reject code like this, see simplified code at https://gcc.godbolt.org/z/fG3oaaajd. I filed https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RSCPP-34145/, we'll investigate whether we can somehow suppress the error on code like this.
Thank you for the detailed response. I was not aware this is non-standard conformance and will likely replace usages of this in my project.
Regardless, suppressing the error would be helpful in the long run.