How can I stop receiving messages about sending feedback?
Select the following checkbox (Extensions) | ReSharper | Options | Environment | Product Feedback | Do not ask me about this at startup to hide this notification.
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You omitted the start of this chain (in Visual Studio 2022 anyway) - it's actually “Extensions | ReSharper | Options | Environment | Product Feedback | Do not ask me about this at startup”. Thanks all the same though - it's great to have that annoying toast disabled.
Fixed it, thanks!
Is the option available when you install the trial version? I don't see that setting at all.

The only option I have is [ ] Participate anonymously in the Feedback program
As an example I only see something like this
Is there a registry key I can modify instead?
Hello Roberto321, thank you for your question. You probably already selected the “No, I would not like to participate” option in the “Help us improve" dialog, so the “Do not ask me about this at startup” option doesn't appear on the settings page.