What License Information should be used for ReSharper EAP/Beta nightly builds?

ReSharper EAP builds do not require a valid License Information - all ReSharper EAP builds do include 30-day evaluation period (even if you already used it).

When you're running out of the evaluation period, just download and install fresh ReSharper EAP build from here - your evaluation period will be renewed and you can continue to use ReSharper EAP, basically, for free.

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Permanently deleted user

Wrong EAP link.


@Slava, thanks, fixed.

Permanently deleted user

Perhaps something has changed, but it seems with the more recent 8.0 builds, my evaluation period is not being reset when a new EAP build is installed. It currently shows 17 days remaining for me. Am I supposed to just go back to version 7.x (I have a full license to it) when the 8.0 "eval" period runs out?

JetBrains ReSharper 8 Beta Full Edition Build on 2013-07-10T21:45:08

Free evaluation 17 days left Plugins: 1 #1. “NuGet support for ReSharper” v1.2.0.2515 by JetBrains Visual Studio 11.0.60610.1.

Copyright © 2003–2013 JetBrains s.r.o. All rights reserved.



@Geckert, not all EAP builds are refreshing the evaluation time. However, when you run out of your current evaluation in 17 days, just install the latest available EAP build - it will renew the evaluation period for sure.

Permanently deleted user

@Alex, The 8.2-EAP did not reset my evaluation license. What license information should I enter to enable the 8.2 EAP(I previously had the evaluation license)

Permanently deleted user

@Alex, I run EAP on my home computer and a full license on my work computer. My EAP expired but when I tried to installing the latest 8.2-EAP it doesn't want to start, it says evaluation expired and version is only stated as 8.2 EAP, no build number . 


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