What to do if Visual Studio with ReSharper hangs completely

In this case, please create a process dump using Capture Traces - CaptureTraces.zip.

When VS is not responding, launch debug.bat file and wait until process dump generation is finished (NOTE: only one VS instance must be opened in this moment). Then, pack all TXT files from 'output' folder to archive and submit a request or send it to us.

More detailed information can be found here: Visual Studio Freeze Troubleshooting with ReSharper (Process Dump Collection).

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Permanently deleted user

ReSharper hangs completely VS2017. Please help

Permanently deleted user

You have to run the shell as an administrator for this to work.


I have a similar problem. Since the upgrade from R# 2019.3.1 to 2019.3.2, my Visual Studio freezes when the R# extension is switched on. I let run "Debug.bat" and will send the zipped ".txt" files to you.


Same for me, both VS 2017 and 2019, R# 2019.3.2 will freeze VS when a solution is loaded and R# says "Processing files" to right botton corner of VS screen. VS becomes unresponsive for few minutes then it resumes. This is annoying to least to say. 

Permanently deleted user

Since resharper 2019.3.* everything get stuck. I dont know what Jetbrains did for their production.

Every time i rollback to the latest 2019.2.*

the memory consumption is huge. and every time resharper make my visual studio not responding.

Not sure if the value of the extension wroth the tool it takes on my computer and on visual studio.

Permanently deleted user

R# 2020.1, Visual Studio 2017 Pro, Win10 1909 x64

VS hangs on diff view launch (from either 'Pending Changes' view in 'Team Explorer' pane or file's history view), starts eating 30-35% CPU (4 core). The same if install resharper in trial mode and do not start or pause trial period. After disabling resharper completely from 'Extensions' menu and restarting VS problem is gone.

Edited by Permanently deleted user

Where do we send this output to?

In this post, to support, somewhere specific???


I run as Administrator but the script complains about permission errors. The only txt in the output folder is process-list.txt which only lists devenv.exe.

2020.1 EAP 8 was working fine. I had to downgrade and I'm still waiting for a fix after all this time.

Edited by Charis Marangos
Permanently deleted user

Is the output file supposed to be 1.3GB? There has to be something wrong, right? I have noticed when my re-sharper is freezing when I open the open the 'compare with unmodified' screen.


The only txt in the output folder is process-list.txt which only lists devenv.exe.


This has brought my work in VS 2017 (most recent updated version) to a halt. Hoping uninstalling Resharper works. I'll miss it. Will somebody will let me know when this is fixed?

Permanently deleted user

I have the same problem with VS2017 and reshaper 2020.1.  It was working correctly with the previous version.  I am calling VS from batch, though.   Running as administrator seems to allow to work.  I hope the solution will find soon.


Hello Michael Edmison,


Please send us collected dump using "Submit a request" form at the top of the page.

Thank you.

Edited by Angelina Elycheva

Hello everyone,


If you experience problems with ReSharper please don't hesitate to contact support team via "Submit a request" form. Dump collected with Capture Traces tool as long as any other information describing problem in detail will be very helpful.

Thank you.


Angelina Elycheva, I got my issue taken care of before last release. Thank you for the follow-up.


This should simply not be happening. It is maddening.


Michael Finlan - What version/Release do you have? (Resharper, C++, or Ultimate)

I do know that Resharper Utlimate 2020.1.4 no longer hangs VS (neither 2017 nor 2019)

I haven't updated to 2020.3.4 yet so I can't speak to that. . . 


Still happening with 2022.1.1


Fairly consistent repro here, seems to often be when typing back or forward slashes, C style comments, and once when saving.  Hangs for 10-20 seconds then restarts VS asking if I want to disable Resharper.

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19042.1826]

VS 2022 (17.2.5)

Resharper ReSharper 2022.1.2 221.0.20220601

Managed to successfully run the CaptureTraces script, where should I send the 1.8MB zip?


Hello Sam,

Could you please create a support request via "Submit a request" form (the link is at the top of the page)? You may attach the zip file to the request or use our upload service.

Thank you in advance.



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