How to collect WinDBG dump for VS/ReSharper crash

To download and install the WinDBG tool, please follow the steps from the article.


To collect a WinDBG dump you need to:

  1. create c:\logs\ and c:\dump\ folders
  2. start "windbg x64" executable file
  3. hit F6 to attach to Visual Studio
  4. enter the following commands:
    • sxd av
    • .logopen /t c:\logs\Output.txt
  5. hit F5 so Visual Studio will be running again
  6. execute the repro steps
  7. after it crashes, please enter the following commands one by one:
    • .loadby sos clr
    • !PrintException
    • !ClrStack
    • ~* e !ClrStack
    • ~* k

Then send Output file to ReSharper support.

Dump files:

  • In case you were asked to collect a mini dump file, please execute the following command:
    .dump /mdhiptu c:\dump\windbg_crash_dump.dmp

    Please create "dump" folder in a C disk root before executing a command.

  • In case you were asked to collect a full dump file, please execute the following command:

    .dump /map c:\dump\windbg_crash_fulldump.dmp
    Please create "dump" folder in a C disk root before executing a command.

Note: attach "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\sos.dll" from your machine to a support ticket


Hint: Uploading Large Files for JetBrains Support Team


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"start "windbg x86" executable file"


How would I do that?


To get WinDbg, you have to install WDK from Microsoft.

You can download wdksetup.exe from here:

Edited by Christoph Moser

Whenever I try to follow the steps:

0:065> .logopen /t c:\logs\Output.txt
Log file could not be opened

Is that normal? After following steps, no log file is provided





0:065> .logopen /t c:\logs\Output.txt
Log file could not be opened

Is that normal? After following steps, no log file is provided


Probably the reason in why the logopen command is failing is basic you don't the need directory created. In this case, the directory is called logs.  Had the same problem, I simply resolved it using the following command (.logopen /t c:\output.txt)



Enter following commands:

"enter the following commands:

    • sxd av
    • .logopen /t c:\logs\Output.txt




Enter them where?


Summary of this Thread


  • Start with x86 verion WinDbg as below, Visual Studio run in x86 mode, not x64, otherwise you can't load sos.dll clr.dll to print exception
  • If you don't have WinDbg, download WDK(Windows Driver Kits) from Microsoft
  • Make sure the log folder is existing and you have permission of that folder 
  • If you don't know how to use WinDbg, it has local document, just press F1 to read it.

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